Connecting A Marine’s Talent to Job Opportunities!

The first official get together of this group was held at 12:00 on Friday, February 26, 1982, at the Twin Bridges Marriott Hotel, Arlington Virginia. In attendance were:
BGen. Jake Glick
LtCol. Don Morris
Col. Dick Goodale
Col. Bill Tate
Col. John Kinniburgh
Col. Warren Wiedhahn
The unanimous feeling was that the purposes were worthy and that such an organization warranted merit. It was decided to further reflect on the “need” for such a group and to meet again in March or April to discuss it further. It was further decided that the group should remain relatively small (initially) and future attendees would be by personal invitation only.
John Kinniburgh volunteered to host the next luncheon.
Respectfully submitted,
(s) Warren H. Wiedhahn
Unofficial scribe
The first mailing list was issued on June 25, 1982, and included 19 Marines.
The Marine Executive Association was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia on February 26, 1986.
The Internal Revenue Service as a non-profit organization under the Internal Revenue Code, section 501(c) (19), on March 6, 1992 approved the Marine Executive Association. The IRS approval further stated: “Contributions to your organization are not deductible by donors under section 170(c)(3) of the code”.
Marine Executive Association Past Presidents (not the dates of election):
1983 Richard C. Schultze
1984 Frederick L. Webber
1985 Frederick L. Webber
1986 Ronald J. Lynch
1987 Richard W. Goodale
1988 Richard S. Reed
1989 E. Y. Hoyt, Jr.
1990 Roger H. Barnard
1991 Edward R. Zaptin
1992 David L. Danner
1993 Eric J. Candelori
1994 Thomas C. Sullivan
1995 Frank Chambers
1996 Joseph M. Boyle
1997 Peter Van Ryzin
1998 Al Shively
1999 Paul Dubrachek
2000 Marion Baker
2001 Joe Riggio
2002 Jack Leonard
2003 George Hofmann
2004 John Davenport
2005 John Egan
2006 Amber Peebles
2007 Chip Justice
2008 James Gough
2009 Vonzell Mattocks
2010 Tim Murphy
2011 Barett Byrd
2012 Max Wix
2013 John Beiswanger
2014 David Wills
2015 Len Ludovico
2016 Dan McLean
2017 Dr. John Bridges
2018 Dr. John Bridges
2019 Dr. John Bridges
2020 Dr. John Bridges
2021 Dr. John Bridges
2022 Dr. John Bridges
2023 Dr. John Bridges
2024 Dr. John Bridges