Connecting A Marine’s Talent to Job Opportunities!
Marines have always been an asset to their company, and most companies can find that the Marine employee continually demonstrates his / her work ethic, values and dedication. Marines make great employees because:
They are team players who know how to do a job
They understand and adapt to new technologies
They bring a global perspective
They are trained leaders that take care of the men and women entrusted to them
They perform under pressure
They take pride in success
They know the value of integrity
Every company wants employees with these traits. Marine Executive Association members and friends assist employers by through the MEA website and through direct contact where employers can search posted resumes for a Marines job skills, experience, and performance then contact the Marine for the interview. Employers post job openings that Marines search to find the company and job they seek, across the country. Job Networking events and Job fairs across the country are posted to the MEA calendar. Job posting, resume review, and subscribing to weekly and daily resumes of Marines seeking jobs are all free to the employer.
Job networking events are held at our chapter and major Marine bases where the MEA hosts an environment bringing employers with jobs and Marines seeking employment.
For more information or to post a job, click here.
Marine-friendly employers can review resumes of Marines who are in transition, but you will need a Marine-friendly employer account. If you don't already have one go here, otherwise click here to log in and search Marine resumes.
To attend an MEA event, simply click here.