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Apogee Solutions is a Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) under the Small Business Administration’s 8(m) program, with documents submitted and accepted by the SBA’s WOSB Program Repository. As a proven prime contractor with experience in managing high-visibility contracts with exacting details, our experienced management team integrates over 100 years of successful service to the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Headquartered in Chesapeake, Virginia, Apogee Solutions currently employs 81 full-time employees (63% veteran) in 14 locations. Per FAR Clause 46.202-4, Apogee Solutions meets “higher-level” contract quality requirements because our Quality Control Plan and inspection processes are based on our ISO 9001 accreditation. Founded in 2002, we take a proactive, analytical approach to supporting our customers, with a vision for creating a Highly Reliable Organization (HRO) with proven outcomes.

We are grateful that our work allows Apogee Solutions to live out our corporate mission “to serve, honor, and care for our American active or reserve military, guardsmen, veterans, families and caregivers with passion, innovation, timely intervention, exceptional quality, and customer service tailored to meet each individual service member’s needs, quality of life, and successful transition.”

Apogee Solutions has multiple Prime contracts supporting our three service lanes: Allied Health Management; Operations, Training and Logistics; and Professional Services. We provide an extraordinary combination of benefits, demonstrated by our proven performance:

• Allied Health ManagementApogee Solutions’ professionals proudly provide Wounded Warrior Care advocacy, recovery care coordination and non-medical case management services to wounded, ill, and injured Marines and attached Sailors; Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Psychological Health (PH) medical case management, advocacy, clinical research, program management, metrics, operational analysis, and subject matter expert (SME) services for the USMC Wounded Warrior Regiment (WWR). The WWR’s Medical Section case management training program is considered a “best practice” by the Navy’s Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED). Our contact center staff provides referrals and specific answers concerning the Disability Evaluation System (DES) to Marines, retirees, and families at USMC Wounded Warrior – East. Apogee Solutions Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officers (PEBLO) provided the needed services to process through the DES to return to service or transition to civilian life. We served the Navy and Marines in their transition with career coaching at Navy Hospital Camp LeJeune through the BUMED, Reintegration, Educate, and Advance Combatants in Healthcare (REACH) program. To address the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Reserves medical issues, our licensed mental health professionals served on the Psychological Health Outreach Program (PHOP). Apogee Solutions serves the Defense Health Agency (DHA) with training in resuscitative medicine at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC); and the provision of business process improvement services for the Behavioral Health Integration Program (BHIP) and Medical Readiness (M34) Directorate. No work better personifies Apogee Solutions’ medical and psychological health expertise and “passion to make a difference” through our service to the Marine Corps, Navy, and Army Wounded Warriors.

• Operations, Training, and LogisticsApogee Solutions has broad experience in the exercise and training environments working with the Joint, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps communities. Our military veteran employees developed scenarios, served as observer/controllers for events, and provided vital feedback on unit performance. These personnel provided training, exercise, and simulation efforts for the Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) and information technology training, subject matter mentoring and support services. For the Army, Apogee Solutions provided training services at the Army Sustainment Center of Excellence, including the Army Logistics University.

Apogee Solutions personnel validate the current and future operating environment and threat representation in the development and maintenance of live, virtual, constructive training, modeling and simulations, exercise development (collective training), and mission rehearsal exercises. Our personnel have unique, military-related education and experiences in critical specialties, such as models developed by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High Explosive (CBRNE) experiments, High Level Architecture Simulations-Hazard Prediction Assessment Capability (HPAC) and Weapons Analysis Lethality Tool Set (WALTS).

• Professional ServicesIn support of the Army, Apogee Solutions personnel provide concept development in support of new Doctrine, Organizational, Training, Material, Leadership, Personnel, and Facilities (DOTMLPF) solutions. Apogee Solutions places a special emphasis on risk management for operations, engineering design and development, and technical verification. Apogee Solutions provides services in business process engineering, process improvement, program management, performance management, metrics analytics, data analytics, application programming analytics, program analytics, research analytics, budget, logistics, office administration and support.

To learn more:

Point of Contact:

Dasha E. Little, CRC, CCM, CLCP, CDMS, LPC (NC) President/CEO

Apogee Solutions, Inc. A Woman Owned Small Business 501 Independence Parkway Suite 108 Chesapeake, VA 23320 Work (757) 549-2645


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